Student's Grievance +919854055331
Kakojan College, Kakojan Pin : 785107 District - Jorhat (Assam) Admission Portal


Date of Joining
December,01 2007
Phone Number: 8638752708




DOB: 28.02.1984

Post Position : Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification : M.Sc,M Phil, PhD Pursuing
Date of Joining: 01.12.2007


  • M. Sc., M. Phil. PhD Pursuing

Institutional Cooperate Responsibility

  • Convener,Academic Calender Committee, 
    Assistant Convener Teaching Learning Evaluation.
    Member ICGC. 
    Mentor BIS Standard Club Kakojan College.

Research Publication (in National and International Journals/Seminars) :

Seminar/Workshop attended:

  • Presentation of Paper (in Symposia/Conference)

    (1) Presented a paper in UGC Sponsored National Seminar Entitled “Eco-Tourism Potential in Dikhowmukh, Sivasagar District” held on 3rd and 4th October, 2008 organized by Kakojan College, Jorhat

    (2) Presented a paper in UGC Sponsored National Seminar entitled”Collection Developmentin IT Environment in the college Libraries with special reference to Assam” held on 2th and 4th December, 2010 organised by Kakojan College, Jorhat

    (3) Presented a paper in UGC Sponsored National Seminer entitled” Socio-Cultural and Religious Reflection in Mishing Literature”held on 5th and 6th May,2016 organised by Nakacheri College, Jorhat in collaboration with All Tai Ahom Students’ Union, Jorhat

    (4) “Effect of Hydrocarbon degradation on soil organic carbon” in International Research conference on Bio-diversity, climate change,Physical and Life Science. From 21st-22nd January 2019. Organized by DHSK college, Dibrugarh.

    (5) “Nanoporous montmorillionite clay stabilized copper nanoperticales:Efficient  and reusuable catalyst for acetylation of salicylic aid.” In Recent Advances in Applied Science from 17th-18th May, 2019 organised by Department of Applied Science , Guwahati University.

    (6) “Arsenic and Fluried in Ground water of schools of Jorhat District: An Analysis”in National Seminer and workshop on Application of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology in Daily Life -2019 organised by IQAC, Sibsagar college from 26th to 28th  September, 2019.

    (7) “Determination of Total amount of caffeine in Black and Green Tea” in National Lecturer workshop on Role of Chemistry in Inerdiscilinary Research from 22nd-23rd October 2019,organized by Department of Chemstry, Dibrugarh University.

    (8) “Modified montmorillonite clay supported copper oxide nanoparticles: An efficient catalyst for suzuki Miyaura coupling “in 28th chemical Research Society of India(CRSI) National symposium in chemistry from 25-26 th March, 2022 organised by IIT, Guwahati.

    (9) “Synthesis and characterization of Modified Montmrillonite clay supported  Bismuth Nanoparicles in National seminar and student Research conclave on Issues and challenges of Environmental safety for Sustainable  development from 5th to 7th June.,2022 organized by Jorhat Kendriyo Mahavidyalaya.

           (10) Acceptorless dehydrogenation of alcohols to carboxylic acids by modified montmorillonite                                                   clay supported NiO-Nanoparticles in National Seminar on Environmental Protection, Conservation and Sustainability on 16th March,2023 organized by ECO CLUB, J.B. College,Jorhat.

           (11) Montmorillonite Clay Supported Silver Nanoparticle: A Highly Efficient Catalyst for the reduction            of 4-Nitrophenol in 1st International Conference on Advances in Sciences from 5th and 6th May,2023 organized by Gargaon College, Sivasagar.

    Participation in Workshop Symposium Conference(International/National/State)

    (1)   (UGC Sponsored National Workshop on “Drug Precuesors from Natural Resources”, organized by Department of Chemistry, Dibrugarh University, Assam held on 29th March, 2011

    (2)   National Workshop on “Advances in Nanostructed Materials:Application and Perspectives(ANMAP),2016 organized by Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat and UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata Center , held 1st and 2nd June 2016

    (3)   National Two days Lecture workshop on “Evolution , Biodiversity and its Conservation” sponsored by Science Academic of India and organized by IQAC cell and Science Club, Kakojan College, Jorhat from 13th and 14th March, 2017

    (4)   State  level workshop on “ Evolution of New Education Policy-2016: An Analysis in the context of Assam.” Organized by IQAC, Kakojan College and All India Association for Educational Research(AIAER) Assam chapter on 10th February,2017

    (5)   2nd National conference on Recent Advances in Science and Technology (NCRAST-2019)May 15-17,2019, organized by-ASTU, Guwahati.

    (6)   National webinar on fundamentals of Research in chemical sciences.

    16th August-2020, Organsised by-Department of Chemistry) ,N.L.College ( Autonomous

    (7) National webinar on Intellectual properly Right (IPR)

    20th June, organized by –IQAC, Kakojan College.

    (8)International E-conference on recent Advances in Chemical, Physical and Biologial Sciences.

    29th-30th June-2021

    Organized By-Department of Chemistry Nabira Mahavidyalaya and Association of Chemistry Teachers(ACT)

    (9) Attended one week workshop on “Recent Trends in Research Methodology from 1st Oct to 15th Oct, 2021 organised by REST SOCIETY FOR RESARCH INTERNATIONAL Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu, India

    (10) Attended one week workshop on “Emerging Trends in Material science and Engineering ”from 21st Feb to 26 Feb 2022 organised by_ REST SOCIETY FOR RESARCH INTERNATIONAL

Book Publications(state/national/international publisher) :

R&D Projects if any with funding agency

  • (1  Completed a Science project entitled “Identification of a few persistent Oil Hydrocarbons and their oxygenated derivates in mineral oil polluted soils of Hills area of Assam”-under the sponsorship of Assam Science Technology and Environment Council, Guwahati.

Organising Experience

  • Organised a standard writing competition in collaboration with Bureau of Indian Standard among the club members.

Awards / Honour's

  • (1)   Awarded M. Phil. Degree from Madurai Kamraj University, Tamilnadu on the topic Effect of Hydro Carbon Degradation on Various Physico-Chemical Parameters of Soil.

    (2)   Persuing Ph. D. Degree from Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati (State University)

    Topic : “Development of Layer Clay Based Metal and Metal Oxide

                 Nano Composites and Their Applications.”

    Guide : Dr. Bhaskar Jyoti Swarmah

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Chemistry, JIST


  • Attended Faculty Development Programme:

    1.     One week FDP on recent Advance in Photonics from 3rd to 8th December, 2018 organised by department of Instrumentation  Enginnering of JEC, Jorhat, Assam.

    2.     One week FDP on  use of ICT Tools for classroom Teaching from 3rd-8th December,2019 at Kakojan college, Jorhat.

    3.     One week FDP on research Methodology from 2nd to 9th  November, 2020 organised by Department of commerce, Dayal Sing college, Univesity of Delhi.

    4.     One week FDP on Research Methodology from 26th April,2021 to1st May, 2021 organised by Kamala Neheru Mahavidyalalya, Nagpur.

    5.     One week FDP on Basic Statistic analysis for Research, from 1 Nov to 6 Nov 2021.organised by REST society for Research International, Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu, India.

    No. of Orientation Course/Refresher Course

    (1)   Participated in orientation programme from 15-12-2014 to 13-01-2015 at UGC-ASC, Jadavpur University, Calcutta

    (2)   Participated in Refresher Course from 8-12-2015 to 30-12-2015 at UGC-HRDC, Jamia-Milia Islamia, New Delhi (Winter School Programme)

    (3)   Participated in Refresher Course from 10-09-2020 to 23-09-2020 at UGC-HRDC, Jamia-Milia Islamia, New Delhi  (Online Refresher Course on Basic Sciences)

Extension Activities

  • "i. Conducted Awareness Program on Water, held at Kamarkhatowal Gaon, Kakojan, 09.12.2019.
    ii. Performed duty as an External Evaluator in Gunutsava, Assam Sarba Siksha Abhijan, 2018.
    iii. Participated in Flood Relief Camp, organised by Kakojan College. "
    iV. Performed as a Presiding Officer in General Election.


  • (1)   Serving as a Secretary, Alumni Association, Khonakhokora High School, Sivasagar

    (2)   Edited a journal “Chemlet” published by Department of Chemistry, Kakojan College, 2010

    (3)   Member in Editorial Board of “Progya” a souvenir of Golden Jubilee Celebration of Dikhowmukh Janajati High School, 2012

    (4)   Member in Editorial Board of “Swarna Alok” a souvenir of Golden Jubilee Celebration of Khonakhokora High School, 2011

    (5)   Assistant Editor of “Exploration” a Research Book published by Research Wings of Kakojan College, 2016

    (6)   Member of Science Club, Kakojan College.

    (7) Member ACTA