(Scopus/ UGC care listed Journal) Book Chapter
1. An article titled ' The Soci-Economic Problems
Experienced by Tea Garden Communities in Assam, Published in Scopus Journal of
North Eastern University (ISSN-1005-3026)
2. An article titled 'Political Participation of Women in
the State of Assam: A Review ' published in Scopus Journal 'Neuroquantalogy'
(ISSN- 1303-5150)
3. An article titled ' Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Notion for the
Protection & Empowerment of Women: A Brief Discussion' published in UGC
Care Journal Shodhasmatita (ISSN-2277-7067)
4. An article titled ' Gandhi's concept of Ahimsa
(Non-Violence): A short Analysis published in UGC Care Journal -Journal of
Education Rabindra Bharati Univerdity (ISSN- 0972-7175)
5. An article titled 'Crime Against Women and Its
Correlation with Natural Calamities: A case study on Jhanjimukh Flood Affected
Area (Based on data collected from Teok Police Station) published in UGC Care
Journal ShodhPrabha (ISSN-0974-8946)
6. An article titled 'A Study on the Reformation of UNO with
special reference to UNSC: A brief discussion Published in UGC Care Journal
Dogo- Rangsang Research Journal (ISSN- 2347-7180)
7. An article titled'
Socio-Economic and Mental Status of Women during Post Disaster Period: An
Analytical Study with Reference to Assam" Published in UGC Care Journal
Anvesak (ISSN- 0378-4568)
8. A book chapter titled” Naribadi Dristrikunara
Prititantrik Somaj: Ati Somu Alusona' published
edited book Gender, Society and Development' ( ISBN- 978-93-89904-81-9 )
9. A book chapter titled ' Bisyana, Naribad aru Sadhukatha'
published in edited book Asomor Sadhukatha: Oitihya aru Sampratik Strit
.(ISBN-978-93-93881-06-9 )
10. A book chapter
titled 'The Problem of Refugee: with special reference to UNO and India: A
brief analysis, Publihed in edited book Mult-displinary Research (ISBN-
11. An article titled ' Bharator Swadhinata Sangramot Nari
-Jorhat Zilar Prosongra. Published in peer-reviewed Journal Emerging Echoes, a
Journal of Centre for Women's Studies, Kakojan College (ISSN: 2230-7443)