at a Glance:
Kakojan College was established on the
24th of July, 1967 with the departments English, Assamese, Economics, History,
Political Science and Education. At that time, the college was in a venture stage
and general courses were offered. Mr. D.K. Mahanta was the founder Head of the
Department and he joined this college as tutor in English on March 15, 1978.
The Department of English, Kakojan College started offering Major in English in
the year 1992 and was accorded the permission by Dibrugarh University
officially in 1993. At present the
Department has five permanent faculty members, specializing in different fields
of English literature.
The Department has a well-maintained
Departmental Library. It also has two voluntary wings – the “English Study and
Literary Forum” and the “English Lab and Literature Hub”, formed with the
vision of the academic and practical upliftment of the students.
Contact Details of HoD:
of HoD: Dr. Pankaj Goswami
details: 9435248980
id: drpankajgoswami2017@gmail.com
M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D
M.A. , M Phil. PhD Pursuing
Vision: To empower the students by making
them fluent and confident users of English and by facilitating the acquisition
of literary and creative abilities.
provide quality oriented teaching to the students of the locality so as to
bring out their potentialities.
strengthen their ability to analyze all forms of literary expression and
critical sensibilities.
enable the students to pursue higher education in English in future.
offer the students adequate communication skill to prepare them for their
professional needs in the present scenario.
undertake various welfare and practical programmes for the students, including
extension activities, for their overall development.
Department of English, Kakojan College
(1) Students will learn about the Indian Classical Literature and the European Classical Literature. |
(2) Students will learn about Indian Writing in English; and British Poetry and Drama 14th to17th Century |
(3) Students will learn about AmericanLiterature; Popular Literature; and British Poetry and Drama 17th and18th Century |
(4) Students will learn about British Literature: 18th Century; British Romantic Literature; and British Literature: 19th Century |
(5) Students will get acquainted with English drama from Marlowe to Beckett encompassing the cultural context of their production and reception; Major critical texts from the Classical period as well as from the Renaissance and the Neo-classical period; Major philosophical texts from the early modern period to the 20th century to contextualize the philosophical terms and frames; Seminal IWE texts in order to understand the complexities of Indian life. |
(6) Students will also get familiarized with major critical texts from Romantic period to the 20th century that initiate the contextualization of critical terms and analysis of literary texts; Seminal American texts that would help to understand the complexities of American culture; Postcolonial novels to understand the complex negotiation between the colonizer and colonized; Some basic concepts associated with language |
SL. NO. |
1. |
C – 1 |
After completing this course, the learner will be in a position to understand and appreciate the rich Indian classical literary tradition including its distinctive aesthetic philosophies. It would provide them with the conceptual resources to make a comparative assessment between the Indian and the Western classical tradition, thereby enabling their knowledge and understanding of the two great ancient literary traditions. |
2. |
C – 2 |
After the completion of the course, the learners shall be in a position to understand the source of Western literary paradigm–a formation that was responsible for constituting the great tradition of the western canon, and one which governs our critical or comparative touchstone on ‘what good literature ought to be’. |
3. |
C – 3 |
The outcome of this course is to introduce learners to Indian writing in English from the colonial to the post- colonial period. Issues, such as, identity politics, gendered differences, home, dislocation, language among others, shall be understood with the intention to understand the diversity of Indian culture and tradition across spatiality. |
4. |
C – 4 |
This course will apprise the students with British poetry and drama from Chaucer to Shakespeare. The text prescribed relate to the age of Chaucer, pre-Elizabethan and Elizabethan periods. Shakespeare figure predominantly in the Course, with a tragedy, comedy and two sonnets prescribed. Marlowe’s play encapsulates the spirit of the Renaissance, thereby placing the Elizabethan period in proper perspective. |
5. |
C – 5 |
The outcome of the course is to get a feel of American literature; understand the poetics and politics of a literature characterized both by liberal and reactionary ideals. |
6. |
C – 6 |
The students will learn about the presence of a creative space and process that has the potential to affect readers to a degree that high-brow literature cannot achieve due to its propensity to target only a niche audience. |
7. |
C – 7 |
Learners will be in a position to understand the ways in which English drama and poetry began to emphasize the importance of adhering to classical norms and forms. |
8. |
C – 8 |
Learners will be in a position to understand the spirit of the age, as well as the literature embodying this spirit |
9. |
C – 9 |
Learners would be in a position to know and appreciate the values of a literature characterized by emotion, passion, love towards nature, exerting of imagination and so forth in order to create ‘a thing of beauty’, which would be ‘a joy forever’. |
10. |
C – 10 |
The learners will be in a position to understand the philosophical shift that came about due to the crises of faith pertaining to the culture of positivism that manifested its full presence during the Victorian period; They would be able to understand concepts like utilitarianism, surplus value, Victorian prudishness, survival of the fittest etc. |
11. |
C - 11 |
The course is structured with the gynotext addresses the thought ,anxieties, fears ,desires, emotions of the second sex .The texts attempt to sensitize the gender related issues are included in the course. The students would be sensitized to gender-related issues, and would be able to see things from the perspective of the Other. |
12. |
C -12 |
The course is designed in order to give the students a fair idea of the early twentieth century British literature. The students will get acquainted with concepts like stream-of-consciousness, Oedipus complex, avantgarde, gyre, interior monologue, among many others. |
13. |
C - 13 |
The course is made with the modern drama particularly the plays of Henrik Ibsen, the German playwright Brecht and French play writer Samuel Becket by placing the epochal events of the period as the backdrop of the course offer the plays to read and study. The students will be in a comfortable space to know Modern drama with its entire attendant problematic. |
14. |
C - 14 |
The course introduces Post Colonial literary text focusing on the issues on Language ,identity ,point of view ,displacement, physical and mental |
colonization, decolonization, nationalism, fundamentalism, globalization, and Diaspora, colonial legacy ,gender and sexuality. The students will be acquainted with both the texts and the contexts of postcolonialism. |
15. |
DSE - 2 |
The course is framed with Diaspora literature . The Diasporic writings of Salman Rushdie, AmitavGhosh ,Vikram Seth , JhumpaLahiri ,RohintonMistri , V.S Naipul , are included in the course. The learners will be in a position to understand the complexity of living as hyphenated identities in a space which is different from that of ‘home’. They will be in a better position to understand the postcolonial condition of identities caught between the quest for a better life abroad and the acknowledgement of the futility surrounding such a rootless mobility. |
16. |
DSE - 3 |
The course presents an overview of major trends in literary criticism from Romantic period to Present. The students will be in a position to understand the texts in terms of the contexts, which could be purely aesthetic, historical, textual or political. They will be able to read texts by adopting the ideologies of the different reading processes. |
17. |
DSE - 5 |
The course is made with the modern drama particularly the plays of Henrik Ibsen, the German playwright Brecht and French play writer, Samuel Becket, by placing the epochal events of the period as the backdrop of the course offer the plays to read and study. The students will be in a comfortable space to know Modern drama with its entire attendant problematic. |
18. |
DSE - 7 |
The course is framed with the texts those are manifested in the backdrop of partition saturated with the most horrific event of the twentieth century subcontinents history. The text prescribed in the course associated with the historical accounts along with the imaginative literature in order to understand emotional impact of these events on people’s lives. |
The students will be able to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy of partition and realize how the trauma associated with it impinges on the victim’s daily lives and activities even in the present. |
19. |
AECC – 1 |
This course enlightens the students with the theory, fundamentals and tools of communication and to develop in them vital communication skills which should be integral to personal, social and professional interactions. The present course hopes to address the issues of effective communication in the backdrop of the rapid globalization and increasing recognition of social and cultural pluralities through interactive mode of teaching learning process and by focusing on various dimensions of communication skills, such as, personal communication, social interactions and communications in professional situations such as interviews, group discussions and office environments, important reading skills as well as writing skills such as report writing, note making, etc. |
20. |
AECC – 2 |
This course provides the students a fascinating insight into the worldviews of eminent political thinkers, cultural theorists and literary exponents of the West and the East. The two genres – nonfiction (prose extracts) and fiction (short stories) – are incorporated in the course to underscore the adherence to narrative or descriptive logic which is common to both. The first section intends to acquaint learners with the personal, political and philosophical insights of eminent personalities like M. K. Gandhi, B. R. Ambedkar, G. B. Shaw, M. C. Jeffreys and G.L. Dickinson as expressed in their memorable prose extracts; the second section comprises a curated list of classic and contemporary short stories by great practitioners of the craft like Leo Tolstoy, R. K. Narayan, O. Henry, S. H. Manto and Temsula Ao. |
21. |
GE – 1 |
By the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of basic essay structure, including introduction, body and conclusion; employ the various stages of the writing process, including pre-writing, writing and re- writing; employ descriptive, narrative and expository modes; demonstrate ability to write for an academic audience; write concise sentences, etc. |
22. |
GE - 2 |
Students will able to grow the skill in media communication; They will be able to opt for a career in journalism, television or digital media by continuing |
their study in this field in more rigorous terms in their postgraduate level. |
23. |
GE – 3 |
The learners will get familiarized with the science of the study of the English language; Learners will be able to unravel the morphology, phonological dynamics of the language, thereby making them motivated in researching on a scientific study of language |
24. |
GE – 4 |
The learners will get acquainted with gender issues, including the politics of how it is constructed, reinforced and sustained. |
& Magazines:
a literary voyage (edited by Dr. Archana Bhattacharjee, Bhairabanan Borah,
Dibyajyoti Borah)
a literary voyage, Vol. II (edited by Dr. Archana Bhattacharjee, Dr. Pankaj
Goswami, Tufail Zilani Imdad Ullah, Dibyajyoti Borah)
Magazine: Innovation
Written Magazine: Phoenix
Teachers’ Achievements:
Dr. Archana Bhattacharjee (retired)
‘Best Paper award’ at Educon 2005 An International
Conference on GATS & Education, 26th to 30th December, 2005 held at Punjab
University, Patiala
‘Excellent Teacher Award’ from Pratibha Spandan
Society, Shimla and Society for Research in Education and Technology, Shimla,
October 2016
‘Laasya Award’ for undertaking women empowerment
work in rural areas in June 2017, from Subh Power Collage Consultants, New
Fellow Award from Royal School of Educators,
Singapore in 2018
‘India Peace Prize’ from International Youth
Committee at Constitution Club New Delhi in 2019
‘Kalam Youth Leadership Life Time Achievement Award
' from Khwaab Foundation,Patna,Bihar on 26 th July 2022
‘Global ChangeMaker Award ' from Project 100 and
Human Harmony Nepal on 12 th August 2022 at Kathmandu on International Youth
Mr. Tufail Zilani Imdad Ullah
Recepient of Sahitya Academi’s Travel Grant for
Young Authors in 2008
Recent achievements of students:
Boruah, an alumnus of the department is now a Mumbai based Assamese playwright,
screenwriter and director.
Dutta, Sanhita Saikia and Sweety Pori Bordoloi (2017-2020 batch) participated
in State and National Level Seminars.
Protim Borah (2017-2020 batch) was a member of the Kakojan College Football Team.
Nayan Sharma (2017-2020 batch) participated in Discuss Throw and Shot-put
events at Inter-district Club League.
Gogoi (2017-2020 batch) participated in 5000 meters Long run in Club League and
5000meters and 10000 meters in Interdistrict Competition.
Begum, 3rd position in Low Kick Boxing championship (U-30 kg) at
Dibrugarh University in 2020.
Bora, represented Dibrugarh University in the East Zone All India Inter-Varsity
Football (Women) Tournament held at KISS University, Bhubaneswar,
from13/12/2021 to 15/12/2021.
Bora, represented Dibrugarh University in the East Zone All India Inter-Varsity
Football (Women) Tournament held at Sambalpur University, Odisha, from
21/11/2022 to 25/11/2022.
Das secured 1st position in Spot Photography event at Inter College Youth
Festival of Dibrugarh University held from 3rd to 6th April, 2022 at DKD
College, Dergaon.
Das secured 1st position in Spot Photography event at the 36th Inter
University North East Zone Youth Festival organized by University of Science
& Technology Meghalaya from 4th January to 8th January, 2023.
Das secured 2nd position in Spot Photography event at the 36th Inter
University National Youth Festival 2022-23 organized by JAIN (Deemed-to-be
University) from 24th to 28th February, 2023.
Das participated in the 7th North East Graduate Congress – 2023, the
largest Graduate Conglomeration of North East India, held at University of
Science & Technology Meghalaya from 7th to 9th April,
UGC sponsored workshop on
“Problems of Teaching English as Secondary Language in Secondary and Higher
Education”, organized by the Department of English, Kakojan College on 3rd
and 4th November, 2011.
on “Communication Development for Employability and Skill Development”,
organized by the Department of English, Kakojan College on 30.09.2016.
Webinar for Students on “Crisis as Opportunity”, organized by Department of
English, DCB Girls’ College, in collaboration with Dept. of English, Bahona
College, Dept. of English, Kakojan College & Dept. of English, Dikhowmukh
College on 21st August, 2020.
Popular Talk on the topic, “Three Unities
in Aristotle’s Poetics”, organized by the English Study and Literary Forum,
Dept. of English and ‘Aakhora Ghar’, a Literary Wing of the Dept. of Assamese,
Kakojan College on 11.01.2011.
Popular Talk on “Romanticism” organized by
English Study and Literary Forum, Department of English, Kakojan College on
Popular Talk on “Influence of French
Revolution in the Works of Charles Dickens”, organized by English Study and
Literary Forum, Department of English, Kakojan College on 03.04.2018.
Popular talk on “Romanticism and
Wordsworth” organized by English Study and Literary Forum, Department of
English, Kakojan College on 29.09.2019.
Popular Talk on “Marginalized Voices”
organized by English Study and Literary Forum, Department of English, Kakojan
College on 19.02.2021. (https://www.facebook.com/1589158408049920/videos/3614820391980982 , https://aimamedia.org/newsdetails.aspx?nid=36107&y=1 , https://www.facebook.com/102472301829057/videos/636525510453768/?sfnsn=wiwspwa&d=w&vh=e)
Popular Talk on the theme, "Engaging
Classical Texts in the Contemporary World", organized by English Study and
Literary Forum, Department of English, Kakojan College on 14.12.2021.
( https://youtu.be/nmArc4x2edA , https://fb.watch/9VxnUleVXQ/ , https://fb.watch/cIJvhCHION/ )
§ Popular
talk on the theme, “Understanding Gender Beyond Binary and Inclusivity”,
organized on 17th February, 2023, by the English Study and Literary
Forum, Department of English, Kakojan College. The invited speaker for the
occasion was, Rituparna Neog, a noted queer right activist, poet, and
(https://fb.watch/iLunT2WzAV/, https://www.etvbharat.com/assamese/assam/state/jorhat/gender-equality-awareness-program-held-at-kakojan-college-in-jorhat/assam20230217212535410410665, https://fb.watch/iLbveB_GBj/, https://fb.watch/iLbdxeDo8t/)
Lecture / Meet with renowned persons:
Guest lecture on the topic of “Role of
Linguistics in Stimulating Effective Communication” organized by English Study
and Literary Forum, Department of English, Kakojan College on 05.11.2016. The
invited speaker for this event was Emily Raintone, a research scholar of York
University, England.
Lecture programme on “Indian English
Poetry from North East” organized by Department of English, Kakojan College on
29.02.2020. The invited speaker for this event was Dr. Bishnu Charan Dash,
Eminent Literary Critic and Professor, Department of English, Assam University,
Diphu Campus. (https://youtu.be/2-2DxDe8pg8)
A meet with Tapan Das (a noted Indian film
actor, director and story writer of
Assamese Cinema and mobile theatre), organized by English Study and Literary
Forum, Department of English, Kakojan College on 13.03.2020. (https://youtu.be/CCVsD719ozU)
A Meet with Padmashree Yashe Dorjee
Thongchi organized by English Study and Literary Forum, Department of English,
Kakojan College and ‘Aakhora Ghar’, a Literary Wing of the Dept. of Assamese,
Kakojan College on 10.09.2022. (https://fb.watch/fsmd3CQmob/, https://fb.watch/h6l70J01RB, https://youtu.be/efVRaEOYsyl )
Important Days celebrated:
Poetry day on 21st March, 2023
(https://fb.watch/jqbqdpvTTI/?mibextid=RUbZ1f, https://www.facebook.com/100064127020065/posts/583172740496955/?mibextid=NTYt4NCaJ0jmxhox,
Shakespeare’s birthday on 23rd April, 2023
Extension Services
On 26th
July, 2016 the faculty members of the Department, along with the NSS unit of
the college, extended their service to the flood affected people of Janjimukh
by donating food items and clothes to the victims.
On 14th
February, 2017, Dr. Pankaj Goswami & Bhairabanan Borah hosted a Programme
at Bishnujyoti Kalamandal, Jogduar, Bonai. In this Programme an awareness is
made among the local people about organic farming. Paggy Karswell, an activist
of Organic Farming from Canada rendered as a Resource Person.
An extension
of the Department was carried out on 06.06.2022 (celebration of World
Environment Day at Kawaoimari Higher Secondary School, Jorhat; graced by
Padmashri Jadav Payeng)
Book release programme
book titled, Literary Resonance
(edited by Dr. Sikhamoni Gogoi, Dr. Hasnahana Gogoi) was released on 9th
April, 2022.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
was signed between the Department of English, Kakojan College and All Assam
Poets’ Association on 21st March, 2023. This agreement looks forward
to promote creative writings as well as literary
discourses among students by organizing literary, cultural and social
activities as well as events for stimulating poetic temperament.
Other Departmental Activities
« Alumni
« Guardian
classes are held in the English Lab & Literature Hub, and many classrooms
of the College.
mode of teaching-learning is carried out through platforms like Google Meet,
Google Classroom.
materials and information are shared through WhatsApp groups.
Kakojan College, Kakojan
District - Jorhat (Assam) 785107
Mon – Sat 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.