MA, M.phil
M.A ,B.Ed
Courses and Programmes offered:
· Two Years Higher Secondary Course.
· Under Graduate Course: B.A. in Economics (Hons)
· Add-on Course on “Entrepreneurship Development” jointly conducted with the Department of Sociology.
Course Specific Outcomes (COs) and Programme Specific Outcomes (POs)
Course Specific Outcomes (Non- CBCS)
Sl. No. |
Course/Paper Code |
Course Outcome |
1. |
101(Microeconomics –I) |
The objective of this paper is to develop the understanding of some of basic concepts of microeconomics, to enhance the economic reasoning of the learners to analyse the behavioural patterns of different economic agents, to provide opportunity to the students to deal with the advanced theoretical issues and their practical applications. |
2. |
201( Macroeconomics) |
This course aims to impart the basics of macroeconomics, discuss theories of macroeconomics and their application in an open economy. |
3. |
301(Microeconomics-II) |
The objective of this paper is to develop the understanding of some basic concepts of microeconomics, to enhance the economic reasoning of the learners to analyse the behavioural patterns of different economic agents, to provide opportunity to the students to deal with the advanced theoretical issues and their practical applications. |
4 |
302 (Statistical Methods in economics) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with some basic statistical methods that can be applied in economics.
5 |
401(Mathematics for economics |
The objective of this course is for acquaint the learners with some basic mathematical methods that can be applied in Economics. |
6 |
402(Public Economics-Theoretical Issues) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with some theoretical concepts of public finance which will enable them to understand the practical issues.
7 |
501(Development Economics with Indian Perspective -I) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with the measurement of development with the help of theories along with the conceptual issues of poverty and inequalities with Indian perspective. |
8 |
502(Public Economics :Policy Issues) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with the fiscal policies designed for developed and developing economies with special thrust to the federal system of India. |
9 |
503(History of Economic Thought) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with the historical development s in the economic thoughts propounded by different schools. |
10 |
504(Monetary Theories and Financial Markets) |
The objective of the course is to acquaint the learners with some basic concepts relating to monetary analysis and financial marketing with a reference to Indian financial markets. |
11 |
601(development Economics with Indian Perspective-II) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with the development issues of Indian economy .The course will also enable the learners to understand the development problems of the North-East India. |
12 |
602(Environmental Economics) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with the basic concepts of environmental economics along with the solution to the environmental problems. |
13 |
603(International Economics) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with both real and monetary sides of International Economics. |
14 |
604( The Economic Issues of Assam) |
The objective of the course is to acquaint the learners with the characteristics of Economy of Assam. |
15 |
GE-1 |
The objective of this paper is to develop the understanding of some basic concepts of microeconomics, to enhance the economic reasoning of the learners to analyse the behavioural patterns of different economic agents, to provide opportunity to the students to deal with the advanced theoretical issues and their practical applications. |
16 |
GE-2 |
This course aims to introduce the students to the basic concepts of Macroeconomics. This course discusses the preliminary concepts associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variables like savings, investments, GDP, money, inflation and the balance of payments |
17 |
GE-3 |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with the basic concepts of environmental economics along with the solution to the environmental problems. |
18 |
GE-4 |
The outcome of this course is to examine sector-specific policies and their impact in shaping trends in key economic indicators in India. |
Course Specific Outcomes (CBCS)
Sl No. |
Course/Paper Code |
Course Outcome |
1. |
C-1(Introductory Microeconomics) |
This course is designed to expose the students to the basic principles of microeconomic theory. The emphasis will be on thinking like an economist and the course will illustrate how microeconomic concepts can be applied to analyze real-life situations. |
2. |
C-2(Mathematical methods for Economics) |
This is the first of a compulsory two-course sequence. The objective of this sequence is to transmit the body of basic mathematics that enables the study of economic theory at the undergraduate level, specifically the courses on microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, statistics and econometrics set out in this syllabus. In this course, particular economic models are not the ends, but the means for illustrating the method of applying mathematical techniques to economic theory in general. |
3. |
C-3(Introductory Macroeconomics) |
This course aims to introduce the students to the basic concepts of Macroeconomics. This course discusses the preliminary concepts associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variables like savings, investments, GDP, money, inflation and the balance of payments. |
4. |
C-4(Mathematical methods for Economics-II) |
This course is the second part of a compulsory two-part sequence. This part is to be taught in Semester II following the first part in Semester I. The objective of this sequence is to transmit the body of basic mathematics that enables the study of economic theory ,macroeconomic theory, statistics and econometrics set out in the syllabus. |
5. |
C-5(Essentials of Microeconomics) |
This course is designed to provide a sound in microeconomic theory to formally analyze the behaviour of consumer, producer and also competitive farm. |
6. |
C-6(Essentials of Macroeconomics) |
This course is introduces the students to teach formal modelling of macro economy in terms of analytical tools. |
7. |
C-7(Statistical Methods for Economics) |
This course aims to introduce statistical analysis and interference in Economics. |
8. |
C-8(Advanced Microeconomics) |
This course emphasis on giving conceptual clarity to the students coupled with use of reasoning and mathematical tools. It covers the general equilibrium and welfare , imperfect markets and topics under information economics. |
9. |
C-9(Advanced Macroeconomics) |
This course aims to provide micro foundation to various aggregative long-run concepts. |
10. |
C-10(Introductory Econometrics) |
This course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to econometric concepts and methods in India. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to basic econometrics concepts and techniques. |
11. |
C-11((Indian Economy-I) |
Using appropriate analytical framework, this course reviews major trends in economic indicators in India in the post-independence period. |
12. |
C-12(Development Economics-I) |
This is the first part of two-part course on economic development. This course begins with a discussion of alternative conceptions of development their justification .Then proceeds to aggregate models of growth and cross national comparison of growth experiences that can help evaluate this models. |
13. |
DSE-5(Money and Financial markets) |
This course exposes students to the theory and functioning of Monetary and financial sectors of the economy .It highlights the organization, structure and role of financial markets and institutions. It also discuss interest rates, monetary management and instruments of monetary control. |
14 |
DSE-6(Public Economics) |
Public economics is the study of govt. policy from the points of view of economic efficiency and equity. This paper deals with nature of govt. intervention and its implications for allocations, distribution and stabilization. Inherently this study involves a formal analysis of govt. taxation and expenditure. |
15 |
C-13(Indian Economy-II) |
This course examines sector specific policies and their impact in shaping trends in key economic indicators in India .Emphasise needs to be give on capturing the emerging issues. |
16 |
C-14(development Economics-II) |
This is the second module of economic development sequence. It begins with basic demographic concepts and their evolution during the process of development. The course ends with reflection on the role of Globalization and increased international dependence on the process of development. |
17. |
DSE-9(International Economics) |
This course develops a systematic exposition of models that try to explain the composition , direction, and consequences of international trade, and the determinants and effects of trade policy. |
18. |
DSE-11(History of Economic Thought) |
The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with the historical developments in economic thoughts propounded by different schools. |
19. |
GE-1(Introductory Microeconomics) |
This course is designed to expose the students to the basic principles of microeconomic theory. The emphasis will be on thinking like an economist and the course will illustrate how microeconomic concepts can be applied to analyze real-life situations. |
20. |
GE-2(Introductory Macroeconomics) |
This course aims to introduce the students to the basic concepts of Macroeconomics. This course discusses the preliminary concepts associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic variables like savings, investments, GDP, money, inflation and the balance of payments. |
21. |
GE-3(Indian economy-I) |
Using appropriate analytical framework, this course reviews major trends in economic indicators in India in the post-independence period. |
22. |
GE-4(Indian economy-II) |
This course examines sector specific policies and their impact in shaping trends in key economic indicators in India .Emphasise needs to be give on capturing the emerging issues |
Programme Specific Outcome
· Students will learn about microeconomics and mathematical methods in economics-I
· Student will learn about Macroeconomics and Mathematical methods in Economics-II
· Students will learn about essentials of microeconomics, essentials of macroeconomics and statistical methods for economics
· Students will learn about advanced microeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics and Introductory Econometrics.
· Students will learn about measurement of development with the help of theories along with the conceptual issues of poverty and inequalities with Indian perspectives, fiscal policies designed for developed and developing economies with a special thrust to federal system, Historical development in the economic thought propounded by different schools, basic concept relating to monetary analysis and financial marketing with a reference to Indian Financial market
· Student will learn about development problems of the North-east India, basic concepts of Environmental Economics along with the solution to the environmental problems, Real and Monetary sides of International Economics, Characteristics of the Economy of Assam
Kakojan College, Kakojan
District - Jorhat (Assam) 785107
Mon – Sat 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.