Student's Grievance +919854055331
Kakojan College, Kakojan Pin : 785107 District - Jorhat (Assam) Admission Portal


Date of Joining
April,09 2005
Phone Number: 9864254944




M.A in History,  M Phil


  • M.A. , M Phil.

Institutional Cooperate Responsibility

  • 1.Coordinator Center for Women’s Studies,

    2. Coordinator Yuva Tourism Club,

Research Publication (in National and International Journals/Seminars) :

Seminar/Workshop attended:

  • Seminars (attended and paper presented)

    Seminars attended so far:

    1)  National Seminar on “Quality and resource management in higher education” at Kakojan college on 24.01.04.   

     2) National seminar on “Best practices in higher education with special reference to the colleges of north east India” at J.B collegeJorhat on 4th and 5th October 2006. 

     3) National seminar on ‘Indian women in present day society” at J.B college on 31st August and 1st September2007.

    4) State level seminar on “Role of museum in education and culture and problems and prospects of museum in Assam” on 18thMAy 2010 at J.B College Jorhat.

     5) National seminar on “Emerging concerns of women in India” on 5th and 6th February 2010 at Kakojan College.  

    6)  International Seminar on “Shared history and contested spaces, rethinking territoriality in South East Asia. “on 29. 11. 10. organized by deptt. Of history Dibrugarh University.

    Paper presented in National Seminar:

     1) National seminar on “Problems and prospects of eco-tourism in Assam” at Kakojan college Jorhat on 3rd and 4ht October 2008.    Title of the paper presented in the seminar “Impact of eco tourism on mountain eco system”.  

    2) National Seminar, topic of the paper presented “The role of Folk Festivals of Assam in the Growth of Tourism Industry in Assam” on 7th& 8th Jan 2011 at Jorhat College.

    3) National Seminar, topic of the paper presented “Spiritual Empowerment: A solution to Gender discrimination” on 25th& 26th May 2011 at Jorhat College.

    4) National Seminar, topic of the paper presented “Change in the Teaching methodology in the changing scenario of Higher Education” on 4th& 5th Jan 2012 at Kakojan College.

    5) National Seminar, topic of the paper presented “The contribution of Assamese women in the Constructive Movement of Freedom Struggle” on 28th& 29th September 2012 at DCB College

    6) National Seminar on 18/19 January 2016 organized by Central College Jorhat, title of the paper presented “ The studies of the position of women in Assamese Society in the Pre Independence era as Reflected in Swarnalata a Novel by Tillottama Mishra”

    Paper presented in International seminar;

    1) International Seminar on 23/24 August 2014 at CKB TeokJorhat, title of the paper presented ‘Shifting cultivation and its impact on Ecology: need of viable alternative” 


                   District Level Workshops:

    1) Workshop on “Processing of fruits and vegetables” at Kakojan College on 18.12.09.

    2) Workshop on “Paper Setting and Evaluation” at Kakojan College on 12.06.10.

    3) One day workshop on “Revised assessment and accreditation Framework” organized by IQAC, Kakojan college , on 18/01/19.

    State level Workshops:

    1) State level Workshops on “Motivating teachers for acquiring class room skills: teaching, learning, and evaluation” at Bahona college Jorhat on 23.06.09. 

    2) State level Workshop on “Orientation programme on semester system” held at C.K.B CollegeJorhat on Feb. 2011.

    3) State level Workshop on “Implementation of CBCS in the undergraduate course” on 25th Jun 2016, held at DCBGirl’s College.

    4)State Level Workshop on “Evolution of New Education Policy-2016: An Analysis in the Context of Assam” on 10th Februay, 2017 at Kakojan College.

    5. one day workshop on 13/11/18 “General Health of Women: Problems and Solutions” convened by the ACTA in association with the Women cell of NN Saikia College Titabar at NNSaikia College.

    6. one day talk cum workshop on Gender Sensitization and women Empowerment, sponsored TEQIP-III held on 16th October,2019 in JEC ,Jorhat Assam.

    7. State level workshop on “Koha and library automation” organized by IQAC,Kakojan College on 25/01/19

    8. Attending workshop on Biodiversity and human welfare organized at Kakojan College by IQAC, Kakojan College on .

             9. State level workshop on “Torce bearer of changes: Becoming an effective Teacher” organized at Kakojan College by IQAC, Kakojan College on 19/03/19.

           10.One day workshop on “National education policy 2020 and the strategizing the curriculum of History” organized by department of History Dibrugarh university, on 28th July, 2022.

           11. Workshop on “Preparation for NAAC and Academic and Administrative audit” organized by IQAC, Kakojan college, Jorhat Assam, on 08/10/22

    National level Workshops;

    1.) National level Workshop on “Responsibility of Teachers in Higher Education” held at CKB College, Teok on Feb, 9-10, 2012.

    2) National level Workshop on “waste management” on27th/28th March,  2012 held at DCBGirl’s College.

    3) National level workshop on “Domestic Violence Act 2005: its uses and misuses” on 16th/17th October 2015 held at Amguri College.

Book Publications(state/national/international publisher) :

  • Book published (Single author): : “Assamese Women in Freedom Struggle : a brief history” ISBN 978-81-926685-4-19, published by Barnamala Prakashan, Jorhat February 2017,Pp: 1-91

    Chapters in Text book: 

           Indian History-III(C. 750-1206)Paper V

           Indian History-IV(C.1206-1550)Paper VII

           Indian History-V(C.1550-1605)Paper IX

    Published by Mahabir Publication, Dibrugarh, september,2020

           History of India (1206-1757AD)

    FYUGP (Second Semester) Major&Minor

    Published by Mahabir Publication, Dibrugarh,2024

    History of India-III(Post Gupta to 1206) paper HISC4

    History of India-II (c.300BCE to 500CE) Paper HISC3

    Published by Bonolota Prokashan, Dibrugarh, september,2024

R&D Projects if any with funding agency

  • Project:

    Name of the faculty: S. Goswami

    Name of the project: Minor Research Project.

    Duration year from-2011 to 2013

    Name of the funding agency: UGC

    Title of the project: ‘A study of the historical significance and socio-cultural evolution of Jorhat as the last capital of the Ahoms in medieval age” (project submitted)

    Total grant sanctioned: Rs1,30,000/.

    Received: Rs 1,30,000/



Organising Experience

Awards / Honour's


  • Short Term Course, FDP, OP,RC

           One week short term course under MHRDon “ Innovation and Rejuvenation in Higher Education” conducted by Tejpur University at Namti College from 28/01/19 to 03/02/19.

           One Week Faculty development program on “Use of ICT Tools for classroom teaching” from 3rd December to 8th December conducted by Electronics & IIT Guwahati.

           One week faculty development programme on BLENDED LEARNING : CONCEPTS AND TOOLS, from 17-23 December , 2023organized by Teaching Learning Centrw, Ramanujan College , University of Delhi, under the aegis of Ministry of Education PMMMN Mission on Teachers and Teachings.


    Academic Staff College NEHU

    Academic Staff College Aligarh Muslim University



    Academic Staff College NEHU

Extension Activities


  • Membership:

    Member of

           Itihax Anuxandhan Samiti

           Anirban Cristi Kendra

           Sati Sadhani Dibax Udjapon Samiti

           Editorial Board of Scolar’s journal of arts, humanities and social science( SJAHSS) ISSN(both online and print)


           Teachers’ unit of Kakojan College

    Life member:


           Women  Association of India, Poona

           Axom Xahitya Xanmiloni