Student's Grievance +919854055331
Kakojan College, Kakojan Pin : 785107 District - Jorhat (Assam) Admission Portal


Date of Joining
August,14 1992
Phone Number: 8811917014




"Assistant Professor, M.A., M.Phil.
Department of History"


  • M.A., M.PHIL.

Institutional Cooperate Responsibility

  • "Head of the Department
    Counsellor of KKHSOU
    Counsellor of IGNOU
    Convenor of Curriculum Aspect
    Member of Library Committee
    Member of Admission Committee
    Executive Member of Centre for Women's Studies, Kakojan College"

Research Publication (in National and International Journals/Seminars) :

Seminar/Workshop attended:

  • "1. Workshop on Processing of Fruits and Vegetablesat Kakojan college, on 18.12.2009.
    2. Workshop on Paper setting and evaluation at Kakojan college, on 12.06.2010.
    3. SAM Workshop on Capacity building of women management in higher education at J.B College, organized by J.B College women cell, sponsored by UGC, 2011.
    4. Workshop on  History curriculum in the B.A semester program under Dibrugarh university on 15/10/2011, At Dibrugarh University
    5. National level workshop on Domestic violence Act 2005: its uses and misuses” on 16th/17th October 2015 held at Amguri College.
    6. Workshop on Preparation for NAAC and Academic and Administrative audit” organized by IQAC, Kakojan college, Jorhat Assam, on 08/10/22
    7. Seminar attended at Mariyani College, 2003.
    8. International seminar attended at Margherita College, 2004.
    9. Participated  the National seminar at Kakojan College, 2004.
    10. Paper presented at the International seminar, Punjabi University Patiala, 2005, title of the paper “ Quality based higher education and the problems of rural colleges of Assam
    11. National seminar held at Rajib Gandhi University, Itanagar, A.P, 2006, The title of the paper presented Problems of Rural entrepreneurs in Jorhat District”
    12. National seminar at Kakojan college, 2008, titile of the paper presented “ Cultural turism of Majuli: Problems and Prospects
    13. Participated the National seminar, held at J.B College, Jorhat, 2007
    14. National seminar held at Dispur College, 2008, title of the paper presented “ Global Student Mobility in higher education: Challenges for India.
    15. National seminar at Garhgaon College 2008, title of the paper presented “ Agricultural tools of Assam during the Ahom period
    16. State level seminar attended at Mariyani College, 2010.
    17. Participating a National seminar at Kakojan college, 2010.
    18. Participating a National seminar at J.B college, 2010.
    19. Participating a National seminar at Jorhat college, on 7th and 8th January2011, topic of the paper presented The role of Folk Festivals of Assam in the growth of Tourism industry in Assam.
    20. Attending International Conference organized by Dr B.S Ambedkar open University Ahmedabad, 2011, the title of the paper presented Curriculum in History: Need for future operation
    21. National seminar held at HDG College Nitaipukhuri, Sibsagar, 2012, the topic of the paper presented “ Economic empowerment of tribal women through bank finance: A case study of the Kanaklata Mahila Urban Cooperative bank Ltd, Jorhat Assam.
    22. National seminar held at D.C.B Girls College, Jorhat, 2012, topic of the paper presented A study of the problems and prospects of Women entrepreneurs in Assam
    23. International seminar held at C.K.B College, Teok, 2014, the title of the paper presented Wild life of Kaziranga and its conservationâ.
    24. Participated in a National Seminar at Margherita College in 2020"

Book Publications(state/national/international publisher) :

  • Nil

R&D Projects if any with funding agency

  • "1. Name of the Project: Minor research project
    Duration of the project: 2009-2011
    Name of the funding agency: UGC
    Title of the project: A study of the social life of Assam during 15th and 16th century under the Ahoms.
    Status of the project: submitted 
    Total grant sanctioned: Rs 75,000/
    2.Name of the Project: Minor research project
    Duration of the project: 2014-2016
    Name of the funding agency: UGC
    Title of the project: A study on the role of selected folk festivals in the growth of Tourism industry of Assam
    Status of the project: submitted 
    Total grant sanctioned: Rs 1,50,000/
    Received: 1,25,000/ 
    3.Research for M. Phil degree
    4.Topic; Agrarian life of Medieval Assam: A study of Tungkhungia period (1681-1817) 
    5. University: Madurai Kamaraja University, Year: 2007

Organising Experience

  • 1. Guided Field Study and Educational Tour of Non Major Students to Sivsagar District

Awards / Honour's

  • M.Phil. Degree


  • "RC: 21 days (From 26th February to 18th March, 2003) at Dibrugarh University
    OC: 28 days (From 16th May to 12th June, 2009), UGC-ASC, Burdwan University.
    RC: 21 days (From 19th November to 9th December, 2012), UGC ASC, NEHU, Shillong
    RC: 21 days (From 8th November to 29th November, 2013), UGC-Aligarh Muslim University.
    STC: North Bengal University, 2018"

Extension Activities

  • "1. Participated in the flood relief programme organized by Teachers Unit and NSS Unit of the institution
    2. Participated in the Blood Donation Camp, organized by NSS Unit, Kakojan College
    3. Participated in environment awareness programmes organized Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the institution
    4. Actively involved in preparation of departmental wall magazine ˜GOMCHENG


  • Member of Itihax Anusandhan Samiti
    Member of ACTA
    Member of Lukinath SensuaBarua Smriti Sangrakhan Samiti
    Member of Axomiya Xahitya Xonmiloni, Jorhat
    Life member of Anirban Xangkritik Gusthi, Teok"