Presented a paper titled “The shift from colonialism to Neocolonialism: A Study of Kamal
Kumar Tanti’s Uttar Oupanibeshik Kobita” in the National Seminar on “Writings from North
East India: Trends and Issues” organised by Department of English, Gargaon College, Assam
on 24-25 February, 2023.
Presented a paper titled “Layered Exclusion in Shyam Selvadurai’s Funny Boy” in the
National Seminar on “Rethinking Social Exclusion: Issues and Perspectives” organised by
Department of English, Sikkim University on 15-16 November, 2021.
Presented a paper titled “Women’s Biography as Revolutionary Documentary: Reading Anjali
Sarma’s Chandraprabha” in the National Conference on “Biography: Western Theories,
Indigenous Practices in Assam” organised by Department of EFL, Tezpur University on 30
March, 2016.
Presented a paper titled “Fashioning of the Self in colonial Travel Narratives on Assam:
Reading Susan R. Ward’s A Glimpse of Assam” in the National Seminar on “Technologies of
Self: Writing Lives, Making History” organised by Department of English, All Saints’
College, Trivandrum on 9-10 October, 2014.
Presented a paper titled “Politics in the Representation of the ‘Other’ in Susan R. Ward’s A
Glimpse of Assam: A Postcolonial Reading” in the National Seminar on “The Logic of
Literary Language: Classic to Popular” organised by Department of English, Rajiv Gandhi
University, Arunachal Pradesh on 13-14 February, 2014.
Presented a paper titled “Spatiality in Colonial Writings on Assam: A Postcolonial Reading
of Selected Texts” in the International Conference on “New Frontiers in Engineering, Science,
Law, Management, Humanities and Social Science 2019” organised by Eudoxia Research
Centre on 23-24 February, 2019.
Presented a paper titled “Transculturation in the Tea Gardens: The ‘Coolie’ in Colonial Travel
Narratives on Assam.” In the International Conference on “Language, Ethnicity and Identity:
21st Century Perspectives” organised by Department of English, Tinsukia College on 11-12
February, 2017.
Presented a paper titled “Deconstructing and Reconstructing the ‘NorthEast’ in East of the
Sun” in the International Conference on “ (Re)Envisaging India’s Northeast: Ethnicity,
Identity, Culture and Literature” organised by Department of English, Assam University,
Silchar on 8-9 September, 2016.
Presented a paper titled “Transculturation and the Structuring of the ‘Other’ in Colonial Travel
Writing on Assam: Reading Select Texts” in the International Seminar on “Philosophy of
Culture” organised by Department of Cultural Studies, Tezpur University on March 31- April
1, 2014.
Presented a poster titled “Struggle for Establishing Ibo Identity in Chinua Achebe’s Things
Fall Apart and Arrow of God” in the International Seminar on “Ethnicity, Identity and
Literature” organised by Department of English, The Sibsagar College on 11-14 October,
Presented a poster titled “Relevance and Meanings of River in the Folk Tales of Burhi Aair
Sadhu” in the International Seminar on “River, Society and Sustainable Development”
organised by Dibrugarh University on 26-29 May, 2011.
Presented a paper titled “Exploring Spanish Culture and Identity in Federico Garcia Lorca’s
Poetry in Translation” in the National Seminar on “Translation: Theory and Practice”
organised by Department of English, Women’s College, Tinsukia on 12-14 February, 2011.
Webinars: 11
International Webinar on “The Future of Global Population Growth and Sustainable
Development” organised by IQAC, Kakojan College on 28th June, 2021.
National Webinar on “Pandemic, Reading Culture and the Changing Nature of Books
” organised by IQAC and Department of English, HPB Girls’ College, Golaghat on
29th June, 2020.
International Webinar on “An Attempt to Understand Why did the 1947 Carnage occur
despite Mahatma Gandhi ’ s Campaign of Non-Violence ” organised by Kanya
Mahavidyalaya, Jalandhar on July 29, 2020.
National Webinar on “Asomiya Samalochana: Siddhi Aru Sambhavana” organised by
Department of Assamese, Gauhati University on 31st July 2020.
National Webinar on “ Study of Language-Literature in Present Perspective:
Challenges and Prospects” organised by Department of Assamese in collaboration
with IQAC, Dhemaji College on 7th and 8th August 2020.
International Webinar on “New Education Policy2020: A Gender Perspective ”
organised by Cell for Women’s Studies and Development, Tinsukia College on 16
August 2020.
Participated in National Level Webinar on “ Jatir Uttaranat Asomiya Narir
Abadan" organised by Cell for Women’s Studies and Development, Tinsukia
College on 23 August, 2020.
Participated in a National Level Webinar on “Gendered Spaces: Writing Land and
organised by Cell for Women's Studies and Development, Tinsukia College on 1st
September, 2020.
International Webinar on “Mahatma Gandhi and His Legacy” organised by IQAC,
Biswanath College on 7th September, 2020.
National Webinar on “Seeing from the Margins of Space: Identity at the Intersection
of Gender, Caste and Sexual Orientation” organised by Department of English in
collaboration with IQAC, Digboi College on 20th June 2021.
National Webinar on “Trends in Contemporary Indian Women's Writing in English”
organised by Department of English, Gargaon College, Sivasagar, on 5th July 2021.