Student's Grievance +919854055331
Kakojan College, Kakojan Pin : 785107 District - Jorhat (Assam) Admission Portal


Rules and Regulations




A student must maintain attendance of at least 80% in each subject. Any student not fulfilling the above requirement even in one subject will not be allowed to appear in the Final Examination as regular candidate.



The College being an institution of higher learning and the objective is not only to impart education but also to build the character of the students and transform them into better human beings, the students are, therefore, expected to observe proper discipline during the entire period they spend in the institution. Failure to observe the norms of discipline will invite appropriate punishment. Regulations are designed to ensure that the conduct of the students and discipline are up to the required standards.



  • All students of the college are members of the college library by virtue of the library fees they pay along with the tuition fee.
  • Every student using the college library will be given library cards.
  • Students will be entitled to keep a book for 1 (one) week i.e. 7 (Seven) days from the date of issue. At the end of the period it shall be returned to the library. But it may be re-issued to the same person if it is not wanted by someone else. When re-issued, the book may be retained for a further period of one week. The librarian may recall a book at any time in case of urgency.
  • A student failing to return a book on the due date will be fined a minimum of  1.00/-per day.
  • Every student who wishes to take a book shall fill in the lending slip which will be provided free of cost at the counter of the library and present it at the issue counter along with the library card.
  • When returning a book the borrower must take his/her library card. Otherwise he/she will be held responsible for the book.
  • The students are not entitled to borrow a book against the library card of others. Otherwise he/she will be punished or fined.
  • Final year student must return their library books along with the library cards before filling up the Examination Form, failing which they will be treated as defaulters and fined.
  • Strict silence and decorum should be maintained in the library. It is in the power of the librarian to refuse to issue books for breach of this rule. The librarian shall bring to the notice of the principal any student damaging or misusing books, making noise or misbehaving in any other way. Books have to be replaced if lost. Students found mutilating library books or periodicals magazines will be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Students must register themselves to avail digital library facility of the institution.
  • The college library is open on all the working days of the college.
  • Faculty members may also avail library facilities. They are also issued library cards.
  • The librarian may recall a book from the teacher at any time during stock – verification.

Timing : 9.30 am to 4 pm.


Library Award : Mr. Ratul Baruah, Librarian i/c of the College offers Best User and Best Reader Award for using library services in the institution.




  • Students must obey the rules and regulations of the college and they are expected to maintain a high standard of discipline.
  • The students, admitted to the college must abide by all the rules and regulations as prescribed by the college authority. Violation of rules, unsatisfactory progress, irregular attendance, irregular clearance of college, showing discourtesy to the teachers and staff members in any form, adopting unfair means in examinations etc. are some of the offences which may make students liable for disciplinary action like termination of scholarship, non-awards of college degree, forced transfer and even expulsion from the college.
  • It is the duty of the students to keep the college campus and class rooms clean. Any damages and disfiguring of college property is taken serious notice of.
  • A student must attend unit tests, sessional and annual tests or examinations in each subjects to qualify themselves for appearing in the final examinations.
  • Students’ Society and Association shall be subject to rules and regulations of the College prescribed by the authority from time to time.
  • All powers for maintenance of discipline are vested on the Principal and his/her decision shall be final on such matters.


The following are regarded as acts of indiscipline

  • Failure to attend classes on regular basis.
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • Adopting unfair means in examinations.
  • Any wanton act which results in the damages or destruction of college property.
  • Misappropriation of college property.
  • Ragging
  • Physical assault on students and Teachers / Staff.
  • Any conduct unbecoming of a student, like smoking, drinking etc.
  • Use of mobile phone within the college campus.


Penalty, fines, warning, expulsion from the institute may be levied as per regulations. The fines so collected will be deposited in the Students’Aid Fund.




