Kakojan College , Kakojan
Student's Grievance
kakojancollegeadm@gmail.com +919854055331
Kakojan College, Kakojan Pin : 785107 District - Jorhat (Assam) Admission Portal



Kakojan College: Electoral Literacy Club (ELC)

Electoral Literacy Clubs (ELCs) are venues for involving schoolchildren, college students, and residents of rural communities through engaging activities and practical experience to make them aware of their voting rights. It is established in all educational institutions at the request of the Election Commission of India (ECI) with the goal of educating and ensuring the participation of young people and future voters, who are the foundation of Indian democracy. The ELC in Kakojan College is established in 2021 in pursuance of Election Commission’s instruction. 

The vision of the club is to inspire young and emerging voters to enthusiastically engage in elections so they can gauge their voting power. As the institution is situated in rural areas, the primary goal of this club is to educate the students and rural people about the value of voting through enjoyable activities that will increase their awareness of their right to vote and make the registration and voting processes more familiar to them.


  • To educate the students of the institution about their democratic rights and the influence of their vote in elections so that they can make their own decisions
  • To promote ethical voting, cultivate a culture of voting, and uphold the values of "Every Vote Counts" and "No Voters to Be Left Behind."
  • To inform potential voters about registration and other voting procedure     
  • To encourage critical thought about issues involving voting rights, democracies, and their procedures

Nodal Officer: Dr. Kshirod  Saikia

                        Assistant Professor

                        Department of Political Science


Campus Ambassador: Bhargob Boruah

                                      B. A. 5th Semester

                                     Dept. of Political Sciencd


 The institution has been celebrating Voters Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Constitution Day consecutively every Year prior to establishment of Electoral Literacy Club (ELC). Following are some of the activities performed by ELC of the institution:-


  • Campus Ambassador participated in a meeting with District Magistrate at Election office.


  • Celebrated Voter’s Day on 25th January, 2022 at the institution. The campus Ambassador along with other campus Ambassadors from different educational institution celebrated voter’s day at election office on 25th January, 2022.


  • The institution in association with District Election Office organized a slogan completion.


  • Organized Mock Parliament under National Youth Parliament Scheme (NYPS), Govt. of India.   



 Link for registration of new voters







The campus Ambassador along with other campus Ambassadors from different educational institution celebrated voter’s day at election office on 25th January, 2022.
Campus Ambassador in a meeting with District Magistrate
Slogan competition organized at the Institution in association with District Election Office
Mock Parliament organized under National Youth Parliament Scheme (NYSP), Govt. of India